am - After its successful premiere of the Spanish version “Nuevas Miradas al Universo” in December 2009, the European Planetarium Show is now starting in Argentina. The full dome show will premiere at the digital Complejo Planetario in Malargüe on 8 July 2010 and will be first shown in South America.
The full-dome digital planetarium was the first of its kind in Argentina and is still one of the main attractions of the city. With 65 seats, every visitor can immerse into the moving scenery that surrounds him totally. ESA’s planetarium show perfectly fits this technology and has been using the latest camera and animation techniques to create the specific 360° environment. And it has been re-dubbed from standard Spanish into Argenine Spanish to make the show fit perfectly to the planetarium.
Malargüe is located 1.200 km West of Argentina’s capital Buenos Aires and draws numbers of tourists every year. Snowy mountains, huge volcanoes, large plains, lakes and streams symbol a pure environment for hikers, skiers and all outdoor activities year round. Even the planetarium building has been constructed in view of heavy snowfall in winter and is covered by a pyramid.
Located at an altitude of 1.430 Meters above and far away from the sea, Malargüe is a perfect place for astronomers as well. That’s why ESA is currently building its latest deep space antenna just 30 km South of the city - a 600 tons receiver dish with 35 Meters in diameter, becoming operational in 2012.
The planetarium show “is a perfect tool to explain complex science to the citizens. Playing the show at such a unique place brings space even more down to Earth”, says the planetarium manager, Marisa Marañón. The premiere on 8 July will be followed by regular showings.
Contact Marisa Marañón:
[email protected]
+54 2627-472116 int. 145
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